2021 CATA Conference Summary

The 2021 CATA Conference was an interesting adventure for us. After struggling on whether or not we should even have the conference with the existence of COVID 19 still prevalent, we decided to push forward and hope for the best.  We are so glad we did.  We were able to do a full conference with 237 attendees over 4 days. These participants completed over 4,800 hours of continuing and/or qualifying education hours.  Beaver Run Resort proved to be an excellent venue for classes and camaraderie. The state was again well represented with attendees from 39 different counties and included 18 Assessors attending with their staffs. 
Click here for a Map of the Attending Counties.

The CATA Board of Directors worked diligently and were able to provide a wide array of classes, including 9 DPT classes, 2 sessions of the USPAP 7-hour Update class (Thanks, Harry Fuller), and Steve Kane of Wildrose Audit for instructing one half day class and 15 other classes from some of our favorite instructors. 

Many thanks go out to Team Consulting, who provided 3 excellent classes.  Kaplan decided to no longer do in person learning so we reached out to JoAnn Apostol to see if she would be interested in coming under her own accord and she agreed. JoAnn was able to put together 1 full day and 2 half day classes.  Richard Norejko came back and presented two classes for us, giving us all the history of our profession and a different perspective on Ad Valorem assessment. We want to give a special shout out to McKissock who went above and beyond in the face of adversity when one of their instructors became ill and flying in a new instructor to take his place the very next day. Click here to see the 2016-2021 CATA Conference Statistics.

2021 was our 4th year of presenting the Commercial Appraiser Forum, once again facilitated by Robert Sayer and Felice Entratter.  The Commercial Appraiser Forum was very well attended with 48 members attending the ½ day CE class and we will endeavor to provide this forum to our members going forward. We also decided to go out on a limb and put together a Residential Appraiser Forum class which Becky Fischer so appreciatively decided to take on. There were 45 attendees in the ½ day CE class and it was well received.  We will be providing this course again next year.  

Our conference was not all just classes. We also had some great celebrations with the help of Harry Fuller who sponsored our Monday Night soiree at Napper Tandy’s, and John Zimmerman from Value West helping with the Tuesday Dinner, Marshall Mungle for his great door prizes and sponsoring our hot breakfast on Wednesday, and of course Beaver Run Resort with their generous gift of two nights free at Beaver Run.

Click Here for the 2021 CATA Photo Highlights.

The CATA Board of Directors again sent out our CATA Conference Evaluation Survey, which was sent to all 2021 participants.  With 78 respondents, we use your responses to work on making our conferences better in the future.  Click here to review the 2021 CATA Conference Evaluation Survey Results.

Your newly Elected 2022 Board of Directors are:

President – Jackie Headley (Adams County)
1st Vice President – Jake Melicher (Larimer County)
2nd Vice President – Sheri Rock (Larimer County)
Secretary – Katrina McLeland (Douglas County)
Treasurer – Mike Peterson (Summit County)
Board Member – Becky Fischer (Douglas County)
Board Member – Danielle Simpson (Boulder County)
Board Member – Jacob Steffensmeier (Mesa County)